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001.1 | ATTACK
001.1.1 Beethoven Symphony No. [REDACTED] / Solly Frank 3
001.1.2 Acoustically Performative Spaces / Mary Rapp 5
001.2.1 Lip Readings: voice in recent experimental music / Jim Denley 7
001.2.2 An Annotated Manifesto (after Rainer) / Jane Sheldon 13
001.2.3 Indecipherable Notes and Passed Time: Remembering Infinity Minus One / Sonya Holowell 18
001.2.4 Alternative Manifestos for an Orchestra NOW / Elia Bosshard 22
001.2.5 Eratos, Clio, Melpomene and Terpsichore: a play for four artists / Tina Stefanou 26
001.3 | RELEASE
001.3.1 Bourgeoisie Baggage... / James Hazel 31
001.3.2 untitled / Nick Ashwood 38
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